2025 Texas Parasport Games Powerlifting Competition and Weigh In
Powerlifting Weigh In and Kit Check (@ TxP Games Check-in) - Required
Thursday, April 24, 2025 3:00 pm – 8:30 pm or Friday, April 25, 2025 8:30 am - 11:30 pm
Morgan's MAC, 5210 Thousand Oaks Dr., San Antonio, TX 78233
Powerlifting Clinic: Powerlifting Rules Review and Proper Lifting Procedures
Friday: April 25, 2025 5:00-5:30 pm
Saturday: April 26, 2025 3:00-3:30 pm
Powerlifting Competition
Friday, April 25, 2025 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm (Junior Flights)
A Lifting Flight Schedule will be posted at 10 pm on Thurs, 4/24, pending any changes.
Competition Location: Morgan's MAC, 5210 Thousand Oaks Dr., San Antonio, TX 78233
Disability/Classification Divisions
Open to all athletes 14 years and older.
There will be an open category for military athletes who do not have eligible diagnoses or impairments, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) without hypertonia, athetosis, ataxia, those with visual impairments (no physical disability).
Please note, other Move United sanctioned Para Powerlifting competitions may only permit eligible disabilities to participate.
Athletes will be awarded by gender and weight class.
Weigh-in/Kit Check will be held at TX Parasport Games check-in/packet pickup. Weigh-in/Kit Check is required for all lifters and must be completed before 11:30 pm on Friday (4/25).
Weight classes (in pounds - kilos can be converted to pounds)
There will be 10 weight classes for men and 10 weight classes for women in both the open and the para divisions. As well as divisions for Juniors (14 years and older).
Body Weight Classes:
Men: 49/54/59/65/72/80/88/97/107/107+
Women: 41/45/50/55/61/67/73/79/86/86+
Pending registration numbers, classes may combine for purposes of efficiency of tournament.
Rookie- 14-17
Next Gen- 18-20
Elite- 21-44
Legend- 45 and over
This is a bench press ONLY competition.
Athletes must wear a 100% cotton t-shirt with short sleeves that exposes the elbows. T-shirt sleeves must not go lower than the elbows so that when the athlete is lifting, judges can see the elbows.
Athletes may wear shorts or sweatpants of their choosing, but no jeans or slacks.
Athletes must wear tennis shoes. No dress shoes or flip-flops.
The bar will be loaded progressively, so once the first attempts are chosen by the athletes, it may only be changed 1 time / within 5 minutes of the start of competition.
The competition bench will have 2 judges. The judge will determine if it is a good lift. There will be 1 jury person, and an athlete may approach the jury if they feel they have been unfairly judged. The jury decision is final.
A good lift is defined as:
Holding the bar in the start position (above the pectoral area, motionless with elbows locked out) until the referee says "start".
The bar shall descend with good control, touch the chest, pause, ascend with good control, and be held motionless at the top until the referee says "rack".
At this point the spotter will assist the athlete to rack the bar.
Bad lifts are:
Starting or racking before the command
Touching and going on the chest without pausing
Bouncing the bar on the chest or uneven extension.
After the attempt, each lifter shall leave the bench and go to the table to give his/her next attempt. There will be a board that athletes check for their current placement in their body weight so that he/she can make an informed decision about the next attempt.
Each competitor shall have three attempts.
Medals shall be awarded based on the heaviest three lifts in each weight class category. All weights will be in pounds.
Athletes that are classifiable for Para-Powerlifting may achieve the Military standard at this event. Athletes competing in the open category cannot be certified as meeting the Military standard as they are not classifiable.
Appropriate language is expected on the bench to respect the judges and competition as well as fellow competitors. Any athlete using profane language will be asked to leave the competition.
Medals will be given to the top three athletes in each Body Weight Category (Note: some body weight categories may be combined to foster competition). All weights lifted will be in pounds.
Medal ceremonies will be conducted at the Power Lifting venue immediately after the completion of the competition.
Competition Director: Nolan Griffin - nolan.griffin@houstontx.gov or 903-754-4913
Head Judge: Chuck French - charles.french@houstontx.gov